16.1 Hands
2007 Hungarian Warmblood
Beautiful mover for hunters, equitation, jumpers or dressage. Baelen has three very balanced effortless gaits. Perfect form over jumps and rhythmic canter. Jumps confidently. Temperament is a 1, safe for any rider, in any environment. Takes care of his riders. Junior and amateur friendly. Safe riding out alone and with horses. Has been used as a pony horse for young green horses needing experience. No spooking, bucking or rearing. Perfect gentleman for the farrier, vet, clipping, trailering, bathing and being tied. Loves being around other horses and being in the show environment. Very sweet personality, loves a cuddle. Currently doing 3’- 3’3” with the talent to advance higher.
No vices, no injuries. Very easy keeper. Goes barefoot and has great hooves.
X-rays are available on request.
Motivated seller. Willing to negotiate the price to the right home.
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[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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