‘Cabalou’ aka ‘Balou’ is a 2015 (9 year old) imported Oldenburg gelding standing 16.1h by Cabachon out of a Balou du Rouet mare. Solid 2nd level including haunches in and shoulder in both trot and canter, leg yield, turn on the haunches, walk/canter and canter/walk transitions, counter canter, change of lead through trot, etc. Balou is ready to begin the flying changes. Very quick learner and retains everything from the previous ride; it is incredible how quickly this horse retains information and progresses!
SAFE — no buck, rear, bolt, kick etc. Balou is nicely responsive to the leg and seat aids without being overly sensitive. He is not super lazy or super forward, he is right in that perfect middle spot! Smooth and comfortable to sit, especially his fun and easy canter. Simple and light in the contact and is very willing and eager to please.
Balou was previously used in a lesson program in Europe, so he is patient with beginner and/or timid riders and is forgiving of mistakes. He is uncomplicated to ride and is happy and relaxed hacking out/trail riding. Very sweet and kind disposition.
Excellent ground manners, in cross ties, stall, turnout, loading, farrier, bathing, etc. Sound and healthy with no vices or maintenance. Barefoot, not on any special feed/supplements, and currently lives outside 24/7 with a small group.
His overall rideability, effortless transitions, and talent make him a really fun horse for just about any type of rider from beginner to advanced looking for a straightforward and fun horse!
PPE and x-rays available.
Low-mid fives and located in Alpharetta, just north of Atlanta, GA. Please contact Madison Lareau at (765) 237-8842 or [email protected] or PM for more info!
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[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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