For Sale
Ziggy is not only a stunning baroque Friesian, he is also a TOTAL love bug. Ziggy is smart, willing and just wants to please. He loves his people and being fawned over. He is easy and uncomplicated in the barn and gets along with other horses and is a great baby sitter. Ziggy walks right on the trailer, ties to the trailer, stands for the farrier and body clipping and of course loves having his mane braided (he practically falls asleep!).
Ziggy has received very respectable scores at USEF/USDF recognized shows through second level (1146335). He presents very correctly with his impressive, elastic gaits. The judges like his correct movement and he is always "game on" at the shows. He goes in both the double and the snaffle bridle. He has also shown with his amateur owner and takes excellent care of his rider. He is easy at the shows and in the warmup, hacks to the ring and is focused in the ring.
Ziggy is a STER Friesian and was imported from the Netherlands as a youngster where he received 2e premie as a foal in 2010 and 2013 at his inspections. He scored 8 for this breed type, build and development. Ziggy has now lived in Florida for 4 years, acclimating to the different type of weather and sweats great! He is exceptionally well bred!
Ziggy does lots of cross training. He long lines, hacks and does cavaletti on a regular basis and is in a full training program. He is a very gentle horse and really settles into the riders energy. He does like a rider who can give him a bit of reassurance and with that he is happy. He has been ridden by lots of different types of riders as well. He is kind horse who adapts to what his riders need.
Ziggy's wardrobe is available taking the time and stress out of finding appropriate tack for his body.
Ziggy is located in SW Ocala, 11 min from WEC.
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[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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