Available for your consideration- purebred Irish Draught gelding Greendiamonds Silver Frost (Silver Granite x Windfrost), DOB 5/24/22.
Silver's dam, Frosty, is one of two mares in the US by Baltydaniel Breeze (BDB), who currently stands at the Icarus Park Stud in Australia. BDB has a proven performance history in dressage and as a jumper.
Born on Day 320 of Frosty's gestation, Silver was the first of our four babies in 2022. He was also the smallest. He's since become a chunky monkey and was recently weighed at 750 lbs. In contrast, his dam has lighter bone and is a bit more modern or sporty in type. Silver's build is more traditional and he should become a substantial horse with a lot of bone as he greatly favors his sire, RDS champion, Silver Granite, who had a traditional and substantial Irish Draught build.
Silver Granite offspring make wonderful riding horses, competitors and companions. He is a popular, "old school" type of stallion. While Silver's dam, Frosty does not yet have a performance record (she's only age 5- he is her first foal), she has recently started under saddle training and will explore an eventing career. Frosty has lovely, smooth gaits and should be a pleasure to ride. The cross of Silver Granite with Baltydaniel Breeze should lead Silver to become a great riding horse for anyone at any level. Like his sire, dam and dam sire, Silver shows a smooth, floaty, consistent trot and a beautiful canter. With time, maturity and training, Silver is only going to get better.
While Silver is gelded, he is nonetheless genetically diverse as this is a factor we consider when selecting a stallion for our purebred mares.
Silver is a sweet, kind and sensitive soul. A recent visitor accurately likened him to a giant puppy. He is fully vaccinated and wormed. He has recent x-rays, for those who may be interested. He is still a baby so he is working on learning many new things. He leads and is comfortable loading onto a trailer with ramps; he takes shots and wormer with typical Irish stoicism.
Silver has been microchipped and his name is pending registration with IDHSNA. He will come with a lifetime registration with the USEF and the IDHSNA.
Flexible payment options are available.
If needed, we offer the ability to board Silver with us at a reasonable rate until he is ready to go to training or some other time that works for you.
YouTube link to Silver's sire, Silver Granite:
Link to Silver Granite data on Sporthorse data-
Link to info on dam sire, Baltydaniel Breeze:
Link to BDB on Sporthorse data:
BDB link in Australian Irish Draught stud book:
For more photos and videos of Silver, his sire and his dam, please visit our Facebook page at:
Any questions, please email us @ [email protected]
Images of BDB are courtesy of Icarus Park Stud.
Image of SG is courtesy of Sporthorse Data.
Additional Details
Irish Draught Horse Society North America (IDHSNA)
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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