For Sale
Congratulations to Kathy Nazar and Letter Rip! Rip is on his way to his new career path. He and Kathy will be working together towards dressage and hunters, the beginning focus of their training will be in solid dressage base. As they become a trusting team the jumping will follow! We wish Kathy and Rip all the best in their new life together and look forward to hearing all about their journey!
Wow! This youngster really is the whole package! He has a 9+ walk! His trot is amazing. He gallops around the field with one flying lead change after the other. He has substantial bone and huge joints! Rip is really smart and super willing. He loves to learn, no piece of his training has met with any resistance or attitude. Add this terrific work ethic to lovely, top level gaits and you'll have a superstar in your barn!
If you are looking for a young sport horse to be your lifetime partner, or if you are looking for a young investment athlete to train and sell this is that horse. Rip is going to be a very big, substantial horse when he matures. Already he is 17h. His disposition is suitable for an amateur to any level. His talent is going to take a professional to top level competition. His movement is full of suspension and elasticity. He is soft and very willing. Letter Rip could take an amateur or professional as far as he or she wanted to go. This horse was bred for performance.
See all our videos on YouTube channel christine smith wildest expectations farm @WildestExpectFarm7837
We believe in full disclosure. We have an open book policy on all our vet records for every horse we have bred and have for sale. If you want to call our veterinarians to have a copy of life time veterinary care simply ask us, we'll be happy to share.
9/7/24 Rip has only free jumped a few times, probably fewer than a dozen, most likely closer to 1/2 dozen total. He has only ever gone over barrels that were single wide. This was the first time we made the width double barrels. Although the jump is only about 2' 3"' tall with a 4' spread, he took it at an estimated 4' 8" with a 4' spread from practically a stand still. This jump is in the first video below this paragraph.These are ALL his jumps today, in order, nothing cut. Enjoy! We did!
8/22/24 Just a nice w/t/c schooling session going both ways on the largest most flat area on the farm. This was a good representation of how smooth, supple and soft he is. What a willing wonderful horse Rip is.
7/13/24 Rip's second session schooling over jumps in the training ring. He really seemed to enjoy the new challenge. I'm posting all the jumping we got on video that day so it shows his work ethic and how even when it isn't perfect it doesn't rattle him.
7/12/24 We started, first time, with some baby X's jumping Rip in the training ring followed by some baby jumps in the party pasture. He did great!
6/8/24 Just a regular work day with some ground rails to help him find his feet and think about placement
5/9/24 Rip went through the jump chute and did some baby jumps.
4/30/24 Rip headed out on his second under saddle field trip today. This time he had the company of a 14yo quarter horse gelding who had not been ridden in 4 years. We were at Cory Kirk's facility and Rip did really well! He had no issue with the roping dummy. He also expanded his work to include cantering. If you watch the following video at about 1minute 20 seconds you'll hear Karen laugh. Rip does several really nice, forward canter strides before remembering he is just a baby and goes back to traveling like a coming 4yo! This young horse is really going to be something special!
4/17/24 Rip is easy to be around in the barn. Little to nothing fazes him, he is a joy to be around
3/26/24 Rip went out on his first, under-saddle field trip! He encountered a roping, dummy bull, new to him horses in paddocks running around, 2 dump trucks unloading shavings and unloading a tractor. He was a rock star! Alert and attentive to his new surroundings but sooooo good on his first big under-saddle adventure! Watch his progress in the following 3 videos...
3/25/24 Just another work day for Rip. He is a 'get on and ride horse. No lunging prior to hopping on. What a good boy!
3/11/24 Rip had the winter off, this is his second ride back with a walk/trot/canter/trot/walk both ways.
12/12/23 Rain or shine nothing bothers Rip. We had a huge day of rain and the training ring was...wet...but that didn't slow Rip down at all. Water isn't an issue. He also went down the lane all by himself to cool down.
12/9/23 today we put a Jr hunter rider on Rip for the first time. Rip has fewer than 30 solo rides with Karen, this is Rip's first time with a different rider ever. He did super! He is so willing to do as he is asked. This is such a talented young horse.
12/5/23 we put bells on Rip's saddle during his lounging session just to see how he handled it. What a non-issue! Then we added company to the training ring for his under saddle work... again, non-issue what a champ!
12/4/23 just a bit of w/t/c going both ways plus some trotting figure 8's at the end. Again, our training ring is only 70' in diameter and Rip is a big 3yo.
11/11/23 Rip is so relaxed and easy going. Today he was doing w/t/c with really loud, random, close range gunfire going on .(some of our local law enforcement comes here to practice before they go for their annual requalifcation) Imagine how this desensitizes our horses to scary sounds.
This one is long but shows how loud and random te noisy distractions are
11/8/2311/8/23 Rip has had about a dozen solo rides under saddle at this point. He is in our 70' training ring doing w/t/c both ways and figure 8's. None of that is easy as big and young and early in his under saddle career as he is but it is really coming easily for him. Rip makes it look easy, he figures it out so quickly. He is so uncomplicated, so compliant and so ready to work!
Then we used a clean up project of pulling a large hay tarp past them at the hay cage. No reaction from any of the gelding group. We work at exposing our horses to any and everything we can think of.
11/2/23 Rip stretched his legs and enjoyed his first canter, still under a dozen rides. This young gelding is a rock star! There were several distractions and activities going on simultaneously including a dirt bike being pressure washed close by. Rip is unflappable. His talent is going to take a professional to top levels his temperament is perfect for an amateur looking to be able to do as much as they can dream!
10/25/23 Fewer than 10 solo rides so far and this is where Rip is in his under saddle training. He is so relaxed and confident with minimal fussing. Karen and I both thought about cantering him today, at one point Rip even looked like he was considering his next gear, but we didn't, preferring to keep his progress slow and wildly successful.
10/13/23 Three days of work in a row lead to this super successful session. Rip was going independently the whole ride with the most minimal support at the mounting block.
10/12/23 Today we took Rip off the long line and with minimal support from the ground he walked and trotted solo. He is really looking great under saddle!
10/11/23 We are closing in on Rip being under saddle. This is a w/t on a long line. He is progressing so well and looks so good. What a great attitude and super disposition on top of great movement... and this is just the beginning!!
10/6/23 Rip had his first solo ride today! After lunging for about :20 minutes both ways w/t/c and a w/t pony ride on a long lead line we unclipped from the lead and did his first solo walk with a rider.
7/15/23 Rip is moving forward with his ground work with absolute ease. The videos below are a sequential, unedited series of pieces of a driving session. Included are getting Rip into a heavy harness, ground driving in a 70' training ring, then driving from a small contained area into a large open paddock. The finish is patiently standing while his gear is set and I can walk away from him to get a lead rope while he stands and waits.
12/17/22 Rip took a turn in the free jump chute for his first time. No real height to it since he is only a 2yo but he had fun.
A quick video trot-canter-trot
10/09/22 The Danish inspectors came to the US for the Inspection tour. They started here, at Wildest Expectations Farm. Rip received great reviews. He received an
8 for type/frame
8 for head/neck
7.5 for shoulder/withers
8 for topline/hindquarters
7.5 for hind legs
7.5 for walk
7.5 for trot
8.5 for canter
8 for total impression
6/14/22 we put Rip back in the training ring for some free movement.
6/12/22 We put Rip in the round pen and got a bit of rough video trotting and cantering. When we finished up he was perfectly happy to come right back to me to get haltered and taken back to his pasture mates.
We took a slow motion video of trot to canter by accident. Rip was just loafing along until about :55sec into this clip, Rip's over track becomes huge prior to his canter transition. He is over tracking by 2' or more just before he breaks to a smooth canter, really showing his potential.
We put a stick on Rip today, 4/12/22 he was 16 hands and he is not yet 2 years old. With a string test he should finish at about 17.3 - 18+h
Rip is balanced showing beautiful, correct gaits with elasticity and suspension beyond his age. He is super muscled and carries himself so well. He is going to be tall when he finishes growing. Probably in the range of 17.3 - 18+ hands. His markings are bold and flashy. To top off all that raw talent, conformation and movement he is so curious and friendly with people. He seeks us out for love and rubs and scratches.
If you are looking for a true, quality partner with huge potential Letter Rip is the horse for you.
We are leading him quietly, he stands and balances himself for handling and rasping his feet. He walks right on and off the trailer without any fuss. You can touch him anywhere.
June 2, 2020 beautiful big bay colt with large star and left hind sock available for sale. Big bone and joints. Correct legs, very sloped shoulder. We have a full veterinary record disclosure policy on our horses. We're happy to share everything since birth.
Letter Rip (Rip) was gelded on October 8th, 2020.
Rip's sire, Ripline, is a 2008 Danish Warmblood stallion by Blue Hors Hotline out of Riviera/Blue Hors Cavan.
In 2014, Rip's sire, Ripline was FEI Six Year Old Young Horse Champion, winning the FEI Six Year Old Final at Lamplight with a score of 88.200%. He also won the GAIG/USDF Third Level Championship at Saugerties with a score of 74.744%. In addition, Ripline was 2014 US Dressage National Champion at Third Level with a score of 71.239%. At the 2014 Danish Inspection, Ripline was awarded a Silver Medal from the Danish Warmblood Association.
In 2015, Rip's sire, Ripline was Reserve Champion of the USEF Developing Prix St. Georges at Lamplight. He went on to win the GAIG/USDF Prix St. Georges Championship at Saugerties with a score of 76.184% and also won his first time out at Intermediare I with a score of 74.211%
Rip's grandsire, Blue Hors Hotline, was the superior winner of his 70-day performance test and was Champion Stallion of the Hanoverian Licensing in 2005. He sired the 2010 Danish Warmblood Mare of the Year and his offspring have been successful in competitions internationally. Hotline is still competing internationally with rider Daniel Bachmann Andersen and most recently placed 7th at the World Cup Qualifier in Odense. The pair hope to represent Denmark at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Rip's granddam's sire, Blue Hors Cavan, was a successful International Grand Prix Dressage stallion. Cavan won 8 World Cup Qualifiers and placed second in the 2002 World Cup Finals. Blue Hors Cavan also sired the Gold Medal mare, Lara Stensvang, who also was Mare of the Year.
Rip's dam, Temptress is an exceptionally well-bred hunter/jumper mare. Her sire, Voltaire, is the leading Hunter sire in the US currently. Her dam, Halftone, is the full sibling to the Jumper and approved SF Stallion D'Accord. The bloodlines on both top and bottom are some of the best in the world. She is short coupled and extremely athletic. She has good solid bone and large joints. The potential for this mare is unlimited. She is not started under saddle as she has been busy producing exceptional foals. She is an approved mare with the Oldenburg ISR N/A. She was awarded DH Mare and invited to be neck branded by the Danish Registry. Each one of her foals has been better than the last!
Rip's dam, Temptress's 2011 foal, TripTheLightFantastic (Tango), is by Cabaret and is a registered Oldenburg ISR N/A. He is a 17.2+ hand bay gelding. Tango was the high scoring colt and only Premium foal at his Oldenburg ISR N/A inspection with an 8.2 for his overall score! He has consistently scored well at the Dressage Breed Shows with frequent scores of 8.
Rip's dam,Temptress's 2012 foal, Flying Solo (Gracie), is by Solos Landtinus and is a registered Danish Warmblood. She is a 16+ hand bay filly. Gracie was high scoring foal at her Danish Inspection with consistent scores of 8. She has scored well at the Dressage Breed Shows with frequent scores above 8 and several scores as high as 8.6!
Rip's dam, Temptress's 2014 foal, High Caliber Soul (Cal), is by Solos Landtinus and is registered Danish Warmblood. He is a chestnut gelding. Cal was high scoring foal at his Danish Inspection with consistent scores of 8 and a 9 for Type and Frame. He has received several 8's at the Dressage Breed Shows with excellent comments from the judges.
Rip's dam, Temptress was shown successfully in-hand at four dressage breed shows in 2007. She placed first at three of those four. She also was Filly Champion, Young Horse Reserve Champion and Reserve Grand Champion. She qualified for the East Coast Breeder's Championship Series at Dressage at Devon.
You don't have to take my word for it that Rip's dam, Temptress is nice, the judges agree! Some of the judge's comments and scores include: "nice filly, typically like her sire", "good neck; shoulder and front leg very good! (8)", "Good topline", "very good canter with balance", "good strong topline, very good proportions (7.9)", "very expressive, generous forward drive (8)", "well laid back withers, lovely neck substantial hind end, great expression, good legs, good condition (7.5)", "well presented, agreeable temperament, pays attention, obedient (7.5)", "Lovely filly, appears good tempered (most important), enjoy!", "large framed filly of good type. Well proportioned (7.5)", "nice uphill build, short in back, straight in pastern, nice long legs, nice type (7.5)", elegant modern type", "good suspension and regularity".
Rip's dam, Temptress's Sire is Voltaire, the leading Hunter/Jumper sire in the U.S. and Europe. Her Dam, Halftone is by Olisco, the Barcelona Olympic qualified (That year Michael Matz qualified the #1 and #2 positioned horses for the Olympic team. Heisman was the one who competed and Olisco was the reserve competitor for the U.S. team.) Grand Prix Stallion and out of Servus an international Grand Prix competitor by Lucky Boy. Temptress is not under saddle.
Rip's dam, Temptress is registered Selle Francais and approved Oldenburg NA. At her Selle Francais Foal Evaluation she scored 7.4, which earned her a rating of Tres Bon. She is in the Oldenburg Main Mare Book with a score of 102. She is also approved by the Danish Warmblood registry earning her DH and was neck branded by the Danish inspectors. Her 2011 foal, TripTheLightFantastic, is registered Oldenburg and he was the high scoring premium foal at the Chestnut Lawn Inspection in VA with a score of 8.2.
Follow us on FB at Wildest Expectations Farm
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2020 Danish Warmblood NADWA
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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