Magic Mike is looking to dance his way into your barn. This fellow has all the moves but won't break your heart. So many amazing qualities! He's super laid back, quiet, same horse off property or on, no lunge, fantastic stall manners, loads, clips, cross ties, stands for farrier, perfect gentleman on the ground. Just an adorable puppy dog. Mikey is a wonderful ride, don't think laid back means he's a kick ride, no spur, very obedient and always gives 100%.
This special youngster is training for the 4 year old Materiale classes and working on movements for the 4 year old FEI test, learning leg yields, lengthenings, very quick study. He is ready to step into the ring at Training Level and be quite competitive and soon will be ready for First Level.
We have also schooled him in the jump chute and he's got a super cute jump if you have aspirations for the hunter ring.
His first show as a schooling show with a cross pole hunter class and he won his flat class and one of his over fences classes. Super in warmup. Did I mention he's laid back?
Hacks out down the road all by himself, no silliness.
This fellow is about as close to a unicorn as you can get, message for details we won't have him long!
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[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]