For Sale
Mohawk WCF Barn name Marley
Born April 2021
Sire: Tally Ho Legend (Shire)
Dam: Saffron GES (Czech Warmblood)
Color: Buckskin
Current height: 17h
Correct and sporty mare. Ties, cross ties, bathes, stands for farrier, ties to trailer, loads, trailers. Very people oriented and friendly. Sensible and clever.
Marley is large and is expected to finish 17.3h+ UTD on all vaccinations and care.
Registered with AWSSR and eligible sport shire.
Marley attended YHS 2yo Jump chute class and won. This was her very first exposure to a jump chute and she received remarks like; wants to jump big, powerful, correct and willing.
She was calm and easy and a joy to bring out.
She is daily in hand and gets jumped on in the field on a regular basis. She is totally chill and just wants attention anyway it comes.
Solid walk, trot, canter. Goes on trail alone and in a group. Self assured and super confident and brave. Not a spook in her.
Link to her Facebook album. Lots of pics from her entire life.
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[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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