For Sale
Mousse came to us with the barn name Moose, but we changed the spelling to reflect how sweet he is. Mousse was born in 2019, and was started as a late four year old. Currently standing at 16'2" we think he may still grow another inch or two.
Mousse is registered Rhinelander (registered name Fangio) but has an interesting pedigree, his damsire Riverman was successful as both a Dressage horse and an upper level jumper, and his sire, Fiti Al is a nationally competitive Grand Prix PRE. Mousse has the best of both worlds, with a happy go lucky attitude, great athleticism and height, but smooth, elegant, easy gaits. He is forward, light to the hand and leg, but not hot. He loves to hack out alone or with friends, enjoys exploring new places, and is learning to jump and compete. Currently he is competing at 1st level, schooling 2nd. He learns quickly and retains everything you teach him - training up the levels will be a breeze. He regularly scores 7+ for his gaits. Mousse can arrive at a show, unload, head straight to the warm up and school for 20 minutes, then head down the centerline, all the while keeping his ears forward and his can-do attitude at the ready. He loves to meet new people and charms the judges and audience alike. He is the same horse on and off property, and has been to local trails and neighboring farms.
Mousse can have a few days off, and you can hop on with no lungeing or prep. He is the kind of horse that could be kept at home with an adult amateur or junior rider, and just work with a pro occasionally, he does not necessarily need to be in a full training program. We did an extensive PPE prior to purchase, and will gladly share the images and evaluations we have on file. Please visit our website for videos - click the sale section. We can't wait for Mousse to make someone very happy!
Additional Details
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]