

For Sale
$17,500 USD
Iberian Warmblood -

Flashy chestnut with chrome lusitano x hackney gelding.


My name is Onesto (which as you can likely guess means Honest and I am told it's VERY fitting). I was born in 2019 (before all that crazy pandemic stuff) and am kind of a shorter guy in height at 15.2h but I make up for it with my elegant movement and fun personality. Think of Leonard on Big Bang Theory, he may be shorter but he was a pretty fantastic guy to Penny wasn't he? Also, I am easier to get on as I am closer to the ground! And let's face it I am NOT going to be going and winning grand prix jumping and really, are you?

I am half hackney and half lusitano. My mom drove a buggy and my dad fought bulls. I have my mom's beautiful, ground covering movement but my daddy's agility and ability to collect. This mix has made an athletic guy for dressage. With the right trainer I DO have the movement and ability to go quite far but I am also cool with sticking to the lower levels. I could also do working equitation. I have jumped small jumps and I am a very willing guy with what I am told is a surprisingly cute jump. Like, could probably place in low level hunters over fences, I'd need some work on my canter though for a hack class. I like to hold my head higher than the typical hunters do and I like to a fancy pants with my movement. I've never tried it but I could potentially do some driving sports too. I'm the perfect size for it!

Being only 4 and have been allowed to grow before being put into work, the world is my oyster and I am down for just about everything. I even invite you to send a vet out, they'll say the same thing! I have clean legs, no prior injuries, no vices and have I mentioned how sweet I am?
I can walk, trot, canter and am working on laterals and canter to walk transitions. I am happy to go out on the trails alone or with others. As long as you have a general idea of how to ride and have confidence to help me if I am unsure of something we will get along peachy! Sometimes I'll look at something but the most I do is snort and stop. I'd never want to intentionally off load you, we're supposed to be buddies and as goofy as I am on the ground, I try to take care of you when I'm taking you places or doing stuff.

I'm a pretty playful guy and I love to do stuff with you. If I see you coming I'll come meet you at the gate! One time in the winter I found a stick stuck in the snow. I dug and dug and dug like a dog to get that stick out of the snow. When I was successful I wanted someone to play fetch with me but of course, no one would so i decided to see how far I could throw it myself then I'd catch it and wave it around in victory. I kept this stick for a long time and would try to poke the other horses. Prata got mad one day though and took it, hiding it on me cuz he's a fun ruiner.

I am a barn favorite and that's not just me saying that, ask anyone at my farm, they'll tell you. Infact, the lovely people who play with me would LOVE it if you even kept me here as they love me so much. They'll be really sad if/when I leave as I'm quite the character and wiggle my way I to everyone's heart. There is literally nothing not to like about me! I get along with most other horses but really like someone who will play with me. Right now I am besties with a 19h gelding. He's my back up. Think of the old loony tunes shows, remember the spike the big dog and little dog Chester? He's like spike and I'm like Chester. I try to get him to join in in shenanigans and he's like twice my size.

Anyways, I hope you want to come meet me. I want to meet you! I am certain you will join my fan club when you meet me and see how amazing I am. You can contact my people and they would be happy to help set something up. I am told they want twenty three grand for me? Whatever that means. I am sure they'd be negotiable to the right home with a reasonable "counter offer". I don't know what any of that means, I'm just saying what I am told. Contact my people! I currently live in King City, Ontario but my people can help your people with paperwork if you were to want to take me south of the border.

I'm super excited to meet you and add to my fan club!

Oh, I have video too! This one is from last summer when I went to my current barn for a month to learn the ropes of this riding business. Then I went home for the winter and mostly just hung out with the odd ride here and there.

Then there is this one. I went back to the other farm to further my education back mid April and this was after about a month.

Then this is when I went home for a day visit with a friend from the training barn and we got to jump some cross country jumps which was fun! I was such a good boy, I think I had to stop at one jump to check it out first but otherwise, I was on it and this was with no real formal jump training so think of what I could do with some over fences training!


Additional Details

For Sale
$17,500 USD
Iberian Warmblood
Dressage Training Level
Jump Level

[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]


Contact Seller


Sarah Crawford
Work Phone

