🏆⭐️⭐️⭐️This kid has it all!⭐️⭐️⭐️🏆
Talented, Powerful, Intelligent, Snuggle Bunny, Comfortable, Natural Uphill Balance, Beautiful Neck and Outline, Sweet as Pie Temperament, Grand Prix Potential, Suitable for AA/Jr/Yr/Pro
2019 KWPN Gelding, JoopTCxBonBravour
I bought and imported Osiris as a three year old to be developed as my next CDI Grand Prix prospect. He has not grown in height as much as I was hoping for and so after two fabulous show seasons and months of the most fun training and developing, I have sadly decided to sell him, I’m just too tall, he is 164cm.
He qualified and competed at Lamplight for the four year olds last year placing 11th. This year we competed in qualifying shows for the five year olds. Osiris is confident and easy at competitions for his young age. He has been introduced playfully to all the lateral work, in hand work, cadenced trot and a flying change.
I have his pp X-rays from two years ago when I had the original ppe performed.
Please contact if interested
Additional Details
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]