For Sale
Exceptional dressage prospect!
2024 chestnut colt by Grand Prix Lusitano stallion, Lider Seven (Especial HM x Portugal PC) out of our Olympic producing mare
line, Parisiane (De Niro/Loran), a Danish Warmblood mare. The up and coming sensation, Lider Seven has earned highly
respectable GP scores in his first year at the level - to an impressive 73%. Parisiane also has impressive talent and temperament. She has successfully competed through I1and is currently being ridden by an 11 year old as a schoolmaster.
Pagani exhibits excellent conformation and type with uphill, elastic, and expressive movement. His striking build and
presence add to the package. He possesses plenty enough genetic influence to be considered a prospect for the big tour.
This Lusitano/Warmblood cross combines the best of both worlds for the serious rider.
Serious Inquiries only.
Additional Details
Oldenburg GOV
IALHA eligible
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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