“Phim Phim” is a 10 year old, every bit of 17.3hh, imported Swedish Warmblood gelding. Has successfully gone Intermediate, currently showing the ropes for Training rider. Extremely brave, cross country machine. On the flat he is an overachiever which requires a patient and kind rider but he is extremely fancy and has scored in the teens on several occasions. In return, he’ll jump anything you point him at. An excellent opportunity for the right rider as long as you fully understand that he is a sensitive ride but not necessarily a professional's ride.
Phim is an incredible mover, incredibly athletic. Price reflects that he is not the easiest ride. Again, this is a fantastic opportunity to get a very, very nice horse.
We will be very particular about his next rider, as he was bred by my mother and is very special to me.
By Empire out of Pershing (Polydor [Pilatus])
USEA # 155744
USEF # 5354019
Additional Details
Swedish Warmblood Association
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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