For Sale
Phoenix TYG, 4 (born August 18, 2020), is a lovely Rubinstein/Abhang/Calypso 16.3 gelding
He has a typy jump over fences (see last photo of this month’s free jump form) when free schooling and 3 beautiful gaits. He stands and focuses on his “person” even when horses are galloping in the adjacent ring. He works to please his rider, with the famous R line personality inherited from his grandfather Rosario. He is now walking under saddle while continuing his regular ground work to gently strengthen his top line while he continues to develop into his size without stress or injury.
He is mentally and physically ready to start serious training: He has a great work ethic, forward attitude, only requires soft aids, VERY obedient to voice and body language commands, trusts people, enjoys his training sessions, is naturally flexible with lovely, naturally uphill hind-end movement. He enjoys his learning, and is alert but not spooky.
He is pictured above is with a 5'7" rider. His training has been slow and steady (the old way) to slowly solidify partnership, trust in human leadership, emotional control when confronted with unfamiliar/"scary" stuff and one year of regular short training sessions which allowed him time to grow and develop into himself mentally and physically without injury for long term soundness.
No injuries, colic or issues, he has always been sound and barefoot and is UTD on trimming, vaccinations, and worming.
He is easy-going, kind, intelligent, eager to please with excellent ground manners, He is a quick learner, with a good work ethic, easy to handle and train due to his Rubinstein bloodlines. His grandsire is the World famous Rosario, who was a Triple Oldenburg Champion. Rosario had a dressage index of 152 points, which put Rosario in the upper division of Dressage producers in Germany. He is a standout among the many talented Rubinstein I licensed sons. The "R" line is hard to beat with temperament and ridability.
He has been handled since birth and for the past year his training has included ground-driving/double-lunging, lunging with side reins, loading into our trailer, and has just started free-jumping and enjoys jumping (currently on hold since our summer ground is VERY hard gravel topped, adobe ring base-footing). He was gelded 2 years ago, is barefoot with regular trimmings and lives in a large mixed pasture with both mares and geldings.
He has a sweet curious, friendly disposition, natural intelligence, effortless movement, quality conformation, impressive DNA and is overall a very chill guy. Because of all these qualities, he would would be suitable for an amateur working with a trainer to develop into a top notch dressage or hunter partner. We think he could go FEI level dressage with the right trainer.
His owner/breeder is 75 yrs old with 60 yrs experience who is retiring due to health reasons, but hopeful he will go to a forever home with an amateur-owner with trainer, or with a professional who has the patience and experience to develop his natural talent while preserving his friendly personality. He naturally has uphill, smooth, floaty gaits and a calm, easy-going mind.
Phoenix is a perfect example of the old European bloodlines with very good JC genes, to give top performance (without cooking and quitting in our new “hot weather” world.)
Phoenix's sire is Rosall is a very quiet, talented imported son of Rosario, who started as a dressage horse in his younger years and then became an A circuit children's hunter after gelding (which absolutely speaks volumes for his character). Rosall was approved for breeding by RPSI/Westfalian, ISR/OldNA, and GOV.
Information on Rosall:
**A picture of Phoenix's sire are the last two pictures included above.**
Phoenix is fancy enough to excel in Hunters or Dressage (like his father Rosall). He has a amateur-friendly mind, a sweetheart personality and the ability to perform at top show level
Phoenix's mother (Didn't You Know AKA Carmen) is a Northern Dancer, Pas de Nom, Distorted Humor, , mare (see "Didn't You Know" under equiline 5x pedigree search.)
Phoenix TYG clearly has the potential to be a top notch amateur’s or professional’s performance gelding. His price will go up with training, so buy him now and watch him beat the imported horses in the show ring!
For more information on Phoenix TYG or to see our other 4 and 5 yr olds for sale, visit us at our website,
Additional Details
DNA guaranteed as stated and typing available is through UCDavis or can be registered Oldenburg or, Westfalen, where DNA conformation will be done with registration.
Pheonix’s “very old and stubborn” breeder feels current USA-based registries have become unions rather than promoters of “best breeding with best minds for a temperature-challenged world” but he is easily registerable if his new owners desire.
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]