For Sale
Prime is own Son to Glamourdale. Easy elastic and moves his bum like his Dad. Owner purchased as weenie and she passed suddenly three months ago. Warm and Wonderful is representing Prime at no cost to the sole heir. He is exactly what he should be and where he should be. She purchased $4,000 in pre-sale vet (that's how I roll) in December, including way more x-rays than you probably need. You can redo any X-rays. ///-1/20/25 we are able to properly communicate about Prime. Thank You ALL for your understanding. He is fine, dandy, and just as mellow and accepting as ever. He was never in ANY poor quality air; quite a way from fire. I will be contacting you all in the next few days.
Here is what the marketing survey tells me. After you see, ride, talk Vet, etc, approved via Trainer, or if you are a Trainer: It could be quite a feather in your cap. 1. show/lease until 5 yrs old (3/25). Should exponentially increase. 2. Receptive to proper lease/option. 3.Find a Sponsor and chase your dream. 4. Follow your heart, if it's meant to be, it will be.
He is safe, loved and in excellent environment. Unfortunately, I STLL do not have permission to publish the ding dang videos which are now a month old. Will try to handle that asap. //// He is ho-hum. She has two little girls and he is so gentle around them (her youngest and Prime were babies at the same time.) we let them sit on him and lead them around. His boundaries are exceptional, he loves all attention and should create the same smiles as you see on Lottie Fry as she takes Glamourdale to one win after another. He is in full training with an Olympic Gold Medalist and will be there until sold. She says he is ready to show Training and should pull mid 70's and move to 1st Level pretty quick. Our videos are a month old but you can have them. My marketing survey has him as the only full Glamourdale Get that has even a whiff of qualifying for the '28 Olympics in Galway, in the least top top Amateur. He is exactly where you want him to be at this time in his training. It's up to you. His sale price will be PRIVATE TREATY. Warm and Wonderful Equine does not banter your business. Having this wonderful young gelding in your life has its own creeds, his ability to train easy (pretty much) will be more than a feather in your cap, winning will be your reward. Are you ready to work? Call me.
Additional Details
KWPM, Dutch Warmblood
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]