Special Premium Candidate Sassenach was presented for mare inspection to the German Oldenburg Verband on August 17, 2023, where she also did the Mare Performance Test. She was the high scoring mare for both inspection (overall mare inspection score of 9.0!) and mare performance Test, receiving 9's on free canter and canter under saddle, and 8.5's on free walk, free trot, walk under saddle, trot under saddle, and rideability. Her total mare performance test score was 8.65 and she received the Special Premium Candidate title.
She is half-sister (same dam) to Shmoky Quartz (bred be me and sired by my homebred stallion, Shakesapeare RSF), ridden by Heather Mason- 2022 USDF Horse of the Year for BOTH Training Level (81.346%) and First Level (77.500%), third at first level MFS (77.350%). In addition- he was 2023 USDF HOY at Second Level (75.000%), reserve champion HOY musical freestyle second level (78.711%), third place HOY MFS (74.363%), and 2023 NATIONAL CHAMPION first level, second level, first level MFS and second level MFS!
Sassenach's sire, Secret (Sezuan/ St. Moritz) won silver at the 2019 World Young Horse Championships in Ermelo and gold at the 2020 German Bundeschampionate. Since then, the black has not been competed, but is one of Europe's most demanded breeding stallions. He has produced many licensed stallion sons and Premium daughters. Secret qualified for the Bundeschampionate three times and was always champion or vice champion. In the 2017 Bundeschampionate qualifier in Warendorf Secret took second in the final with a 9 for trot, walk and training, a 10 for canter, and 8.50 for conformation, after placing first in the qualifier with a 9.0. After taking time off from competition in 2018, Secret returned at the 2019 Bundeschampionate Qualifier in Bremen and won for the second time with a 8.5. He also won the 2020 Bundeschampionate qualification classes held in Munster, Germany with an 8.5 for walk, 10 for trot and canter, 7.5 for submission and 9 for overall impression. He went on to win the final qualification round for the 2020 Bundeschamionate and won in the final.
Secret is a son of triple World Champion of Young Dressage Horses, Sezuan. Sezuan was also a champion at five, six and seven years old. During these competitions, he received scores of 9.5 and 10.0. Sezuan was champion of his stallion test and received the high score of 10.0 ten times, setting a new record. Secret is from Sezuan's first foal crop.
Secret's damline has produced a number of international performance horses such as Liebenberg and Top Gun, successful in Italy. Thirty eight approved stallions descend from this damline, including Aktuell, Christ, Sorento, Weltruf and Wildfang. Dam, Seline, is sired by St. Moritz, who in a short breeding career has sired many important sport and breeding successors. The third dam is sired by Rotspon and includes Argentan, Woermann and Lugano in her pedigree. Other standouts from this line include Lorwoods Dancing Diamond.
Sassenach's dam, Elite Fhlora Designated an Elite Stute (mare) in 2015 on the basis of her stellar produce record. She was imported from Germany as a weanling. Her dam was second in her class at the 2002 Ratje Niebuhr Mare Show in Germany. She was chosen by the HN Verband to represent the HN breed at the 2002 European Mare Championships. Fhlora's dam produced the well-known stallion, Callaho's Benicio as well as another licensed stallion by Sunlight xx. Callaho's Benicio made quite a stir at the 2011 German Bundeschampionate in the 6 year old class. He won the class with a score of 9.4, with 10's (!) for the trot and walk, 9 for the canter, 8.5 for submission, and 9.5 for general impression.
Fhlora's other half brother, a three year old stallion by Sunlight xx, placed 4th in his class at Verden, Germany. Fhlora's dam, SPS Valencia, was also the dam of the champion colt at the German foal championships August 5, 2007 in Lienen! He is also by Belissimo.
Fhlora was Grand Champion at a USDF dressage breed show, and was also grand champion at a Hanoverian mare show. At our German Oldenburg Verband inspection in July, 2007, Fhlora was presented for studbook approval. Her scores were amazing- head- 9, neck 8, saddle position 8, frame 7 foreleg 6 hind leg 7, conformation score- 8.5. Breed and sex type- 8.5, correctness of gaits 8, trot 8.5, walk 8, general impression and development 8.5. Her final score was 8.4 and the judges announced that this was the highest score ever given so far outside of Germany.
Fhlora's two daughters by Rosentanz also achieved Special Premium Mare status at their mare inspections and Mare Performance Tests.
UPDATE: Sassenach was taken off property for an away from the farm experience. She was perfectly behaved- loaded and unloaded from the trailer, stood on the trailer while the other horse was ridden and acted like a pro being ridden in the strange riding arena. Good girl!
She was entered in a dressage schooling show Jan. 27, where she placed second in both tests to Shelene, receiving 70% and 75.19% in Intro C and Training level test 1. She was perfectly behaved!
Additional Details
Oldenburg Horse Breeders Society Division of the German Oldenburg Verband (GOV)
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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