For Sale
Meet Top Dun GD!
Color anyone? Now a gelding, for sure a dressage prospect. Excellent conformation with a gorgeous top line, big long neck, pretty-headed boy. Correct straight long legs, big feet, good mover with a good clear walk. This one is nice! Registered US Lusitano Association.
By APSL Approved Lusitano Grulla Dressage stallion, I-Don Malagueno in Europe. Out of imported APSL Lusitano mare, the only (non grey) DUNSKIN mare in USA!
Top Dun is a true Smokey Cream Dun, one of only 4 (the others are fillies) Dun gene Lusitanos born here. That's cool!
DNA color genetics EE aa CrCR Dnd1 gg with Blue eyes and a lovely creamy color coat.
This unique and very rare colt will be wonderful for sport in Dressage or WE. He is expected to mature to about 15.3-16h like his sire.
Fun personality, friendly & confident, and ready to work in hand and go to breed shows! Very sweet boy, come visit now!
In L.A., California. Pricing, we're looking for a super home and to gain as close to $20k as possible, open minded on it tho.
Email us now at [email protected]
photo credit Lindsey Long Photography
Additional Details
USA Lusitano Association
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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