Seller List

All listed warmbloods from White Dog Farm

For Breeding
$1,200 USD
Irish Draught

Imported Class One Inspected and Approved Irish Draught Stallion
16.2hh, Liver Chestnut, 10.5 inches of bone at the cannon

Add soundness and correctness without compromising athleticism or scope. A joy to ride and train, he is a rider's horse who can compete in any discipline.…

Name: Tabitha
Farm: White Dog Farm
Purchased Date:
Registries: IDHSNA, HSI
Location: Boulder Colorado, United States
Foaled: 2017
Gender: Stallion
Height: 16.2
Dressage Training Level: 3rd Level
Dressage Showing Level: 2nd Level
Eventing Training Level: Prospect
Eventing Showing Level:
Hunters: Prospect
Jumping: Level 3 (3ft 6in)
For Sale
$10,000 USD
Irish Sport Horse

Grey Irish Sport Horse filly foal By Farraway Quicksilver (purebred class one Irish Draught) out of Jade a KWPN mare. This filly will be sharp and athletic and will excel in any competition discipline. The dam has dressage lines but also competed hunter jumper before becoming a broodmare. The…

Name: Tabitha
Farm: White Dog Farm
Purchased Date:
Registries: IDHSNA
Location: Boulder Colorado, United States
Foaled: 2021
Gender: Filly
Height: 16.2
Dressage Training Level:
Dressage Showing Level:
Eventing Training Level:
Eventing Showing Level: