Congratulations to Anne Liskey, Ripley's new owner! Ripley is moving into his career as a show hunter, watch for them in the show ring. He could not have found a better owner than Anne. Best wishes for both Anne and Ripley in their own partnership.
Ripley is ready to move into his career. He is training well and needs to start in a solid direction where he will shine. This is your opportunity to possess an extraordinary horse at a very reasonable cost. If you are looking for a high level sport horse Ripley is the one. With age and training he'll be a top of the line competitor.
See all our videos on YouTube channel christine smith wildest expectations farm
Snappy Ripartee (Ripley) was born May 9th, 2019 and is offered for sale. He is a lovely Danish Warmblood gelding with a large centered star and 3 white socks. Ripley is currently 16.3h and growing! He should finish at about 17.3h - 18.1h. (See video of string test below) He is a gentle giant, super disposition, such potential and so relaxed! He is so light in your hands and responsive to your legs and seat, finger tip control.
Also look at Ripley's 2020 full brother, Letter Rip.
or his younger 2021 sister Ripple in Time.
He has correct conformation, straight legs and large joints. His movement is phenomenal, beyond compare! He has a ground covering walk with huge overtrack. Floating elastic trot, like a metronome, with loads of air time. Beautiful balanced canter! His personality is so sweet and he is people focused. He looks to please.
"What an amazing mover. I love not only his length and float in the front but how well he engages from behind and the rhythm and cadence he has for his age. You must be very excited. His price range now should be anywhere between 45K and 65K. That of course could go up the more training. If you are looking to move him quickly I think he's priced right. If you keep him a little longer and put more time on him he'll be worth even more a lot more. There is so much potential there! When they have as much potential as he does people tend to want to get in a hurry but he has so much more growing still to do that he needs to be in the right home. I would want to be sure he goes to someone who will take their time." Jill Paxton, Evaluator who holds 10 Judges Cards, both US and International 03/13/22
Ripley is priced to sell! He has the potential to be an upper level competitor for an amateur or professional. If you want a 6 figure horse at a 5 figure price now is the time to move on him. His movement is Nationally and Internationally recognized as exceptional. We will happily share his breed show score sheets with the judges comments. His disposition is willing, kind and eager to please, he loves people. Ripley is going to be on the same team as you, as you move forward in your discipline. We have a full veterinary record disclosure policy on our horses. We're happy to share everything since birth.
Contact us if you'd like to attend one of Ripley's regular work sessions, to see where he is in his progress, via a Virtual Viewing on Whatsapp. Now that he is under saddle we don't expect we'll have him long.
We put a stick on him 2/24/22 (dropped it on purpose at start, he's non reactive) followed by a string test to show height potential.
We expose our young horses to as many things as we can think of. Ripley takes everything in stride.
We believe in full disclosure. We have an open book policy on all our vet records for every horse we have bred and have for sale. If you want to call our veterinarians to have a copy of life time veterinary care simply ask us, we'll be happy to share.
11/14/23 Ripley was doing some small cross country jumps in the field. He is learning distances, he is having good success.
11/13/23 We took Ripley to Blandy for a small group hack with a couple of Steady Eddy quarter horses. He did super, he was content in back, middle and front. They only walked and trotted but it was a perfectly possitive first experience for him!
11/8/23 We used a clean up project of pulling a large hay tarp past them at the hay cage. No reaction from any of the gelding group. We work at exposing our horses to any and everything we can think of.
10/23/23 This is a video pictorial of a whole work session. Ridden by 19yr old Dakotah Troxler, a hunter rider who has been riding for about 7 years, has shown locally in NC, and ridden Ripley 15-20 times. It is about :45 minutes total work condensed....
Getting groomed and tacked up for w/t/c jump schooling
Mounting from stairs plus w/t warm up
Cantering into 2'3"jump left & right
10/4/23 w/t/c schooling session left and right
01/6/23 w/t/c schooling
9/1/23 just a bit of free jumping Ripley is a careful, scopey jumper. He shows real potential.
7/15/22 Dressage at Lexington, VA 3yo c/g
Qualified for U/S Championship
74.3% Materiale 3yo c/g
6/18/22 Culpeper, VA
71.3% Materiale 3yo c/g
74.6% Suitability 3yo c/g
7/14/23 Eddyn's 5th ride with Ripley, just some time in the training ring along with some time in the pasture with baby jumps. They get along great!
6/15/23 Ripley is being ridden by a 17yo hunter rider for the second time. No lunging, just get on and ride. He is such an easy going good boy, come see him for yourself! He is worth the trip!
5/1/23 Ripley has been ridden a handful of times since his winter break. Here he is trot, canter both ways ending with a nice free walk at the end. This horse is ready to start up with a show training program. He is ready and willing to work and has loads of talent. Finish that off with a great temperament and totally willing to try new things. Come see him for yourself and ride him. Ripley is the real deal, he is better than we describe.
He has been desensitized to so much since he was born...
You can trust him with your kids or adult amateurs!
2/25/23 Ripley is back to work after having the winter off. He is returning with a relaxed attitude. It's as if he never so much as paused. He has a terrific mind and is a pleasure to be around. He will continue his dressage training and we have added free jumping to his schedule. We will also be adding a young, talented, competitive hunter rider to his training. Watch for current videos of him back under saddle posted below under "FOLLOW HIS PROGRESS:"
11/12/22 We gave this big, handsome 3yo the winter off to grow and mature. He is doing everything a 3yo should be doing at this time in his development. He has a beautiful walk, soft, elastic trot with suspension and a lovely canter. He is so nice to be around, so patient and easy going. He will be a barn favorite. We will reassess his sale price in the spring of his 4yo year.
canter left lead & free jumping
canter right lead and free jumping
3/12/23 Walk/Trot/Canter and lunging over a free jump. He is relaxed, learning his distances and building huge confidence! He is scopey and has loads of talent! He is almost at the point of adding a rider to the jumping.
11/4/22 Free jumping
11/23/22 Free jumping
10/25/22 Ripley did some lunging and free lunging in side reins over trotting rails. This was his first time with this exercise and he really stepped up to the task. In these video clips you are able to watch his learning curve.
10/09/22 The Danish inspectors came to the US for the Inspection tour. They started here, at Wildest Expectations Farm. Rip received great reviews. He received an
8 for type/frame
8 for head/neck
8 for shoulder/withers
8 for topline/hindquarters
8 for walk
7.5 for trot
8 for canter
8 for overall impression
9/17/22 Just a few short clips of a typical session for Ripley at this point
8/21/22 When you live on a farm with young horses there are always fence repairs happening. All projects require supervision. Today Ripley provided us with supervision and entertainment. Nothing bothers this gentle giant!
8/20/22 Ripley is moving along nicely with his training. Karen had him out to Liberty Farm with Brendan Curtis for a lesson. He is just doing great. So uncomplicated.
7/20/22 Ripley just doing his thing in a regular schooling session. We took him to Fairview's indoor in Millwood. He just so easy going, nothing bothers him.
7/15/22 Ripley went to Dressage at Lexington and met all our Expectations! He entered the 3yo c/g under saddle and qualified for the under saddle championship. He also competed in the 3yo c/g Materiale and scored a very respectable 74.3%. Some comments included "good length of stride" at the walk, "reasonable length of stride" at the canter. For his second under saddle show he did so well. He is really coming into his own!
6/28/22 Ripley did a fitness field trip to Lord Fairfax Equestrian Center for a great work before his Dressage at Lexington show coming up mid July. He is really looking the part.
6/18/22 Ripley competed in his first under saddle show in Culpeper at Commonwealth Park. He entered 2 classes. The first was a Mareriale class for 3yo c/g he had a couple of spots where he was resistant to aids and balance. He did w/t/c and even with his first show jitters he took 1st place with a score of 71.3%! He started to relax and his canter score was adjusted from a preliminary, first impression score of 7.0 to a 7.2! Watch this first class but please watch his second class too. It really shows how much he takes in, in such a short time. We are showing you his learning curve in real time. He is one in a million!
After he took a well earned laying down nap in his stall in a busy show barn he came back for his next class a 3 yo c/g suitability class and again placed 1st with an improved performance w/t/c building on his confidence from the first class and earned a 74.6%!
After the second class he was so relaxed he hacked back to his barn past tractors dragging an arena, water trucks, a golf cart behind him, a yearling filly beside him in jammies and all the rest of a busy horse show buzzing around him. It was literally a walk in the park for him. What a pro! And he only just turned 3!
6/9/22 Getting prepared for the show at Culpeper, VA working on forward and contact. Ripley is letting Karen Williams, his trainer, know he is ready for the task. He is doing so well! Plus he encountered a child retrieving a plastic bag in the wind. The last video shows about 5 minutes of desensitization success.
6/8/22 Ripley is getting tuned up for his first undersaddle show in Culpeper, VA. He was working to move forward at the walk, trot and canter plus a bit of plastic water bottle fun!
6/5/22 Karen scheduled a lesson to get a good tune up on how training for Ripley is going forward. Brendan Curtis came out to the farm for a great schooling session. We only got 1 video today because it was so interesting to observe. We did take this canter part.
6/2/22 the canter work is being added consistently with good results. Ripley is picking up his correct leads with good consistency. He is sustaining rhythm and cadence well over longer periods of time.
5/31/22 beginning to do bending and figure 8's at the trot with good consistency. Also starting to do longer canter. At the end of the session he hacked home from our neighbor's on his own. Video was taken from golf cart but supported or lead with the golf cart. Ripley is hacking on his own after a really good work.
5/30/22 Ripley had a week off while his trainer enjoyed a vacation. He went right back to work as if there had been no break! He also did some good canter work. This was about the third time he as cantered and he did great. Then he hacked home with our golf cart driving behind, beside and in front of him, no problem.
5/22/22 Ripley worked early again before the heat. Working on his canter followed by a cool out walk out in the large back pasture.
5/21/22 Ripley worked early before the crushing heat took over. He is working on his canter. During his cool down we needed to move the tractor so we used the bouncing bucket for yet another oppurtunity for desensitization. It is the third video link below.. Unfortunately we didn't get it on video but by the end he was trotting around the training ring with that loud, scary bouncing bucket.
5/18/22 Ripley took another field trip to our neighbor's rodeo arena and we added more to his mix!
5/17/22 20th ride we took a field trip to our neighbor's rodeo arena. Lots of straight lines, small turns for his size. Lots of balance and rhythm work as he learns where all his body parts are and making them work together. The wind really picked up while he was working, he had to work through that too.
5/15/22 19th ride trotting both left and right. Starting to use bend for better balance turning to change directions. Some nice trot steps. Beginning to reach for contact and maintain frame.
5/12/22 18th ride was lots of hill work at a walk and trot. With as much growing as he has to do balance a big job. This video shows his honest effort working through it. Bringing his hind end under for support was real work for him.
5/7/22 17th ride was a cold rainy day so we took Ripley by himself on a field trip to Lord Fairfax Equestrian Center. This is a large boarding facility with several in-house trainers and many great working features for young horse exposure including indoor and outdoor arenas, a training track and a hydro facility. After 4 minute intervals longing at the walk and trot each way he had a great ride in the indoor arena with a lot going on outside including rain on the tin roof, a large, loud dump truck right outside the arena making lots of noise. Ripley was his usual non-reactive self. There was a lot going on inside the arena too. There were other horses in the arena with him, this was a first for him. There were mirrors, banners, horses and people in an adjacent wash/grooming rack and a cat! He was non-reactive to those as well. He cruised around doing w/t with bending and straight lines like he'd been there doing this all the time. He is one in a million. What a terrific mind supported by loads of talent. Karen is bring him along slowly, he had many eyes on him during this beautiful relaxed work. He joined two other horses and riders and did his cool down walking in company with them.
5/5/22 16th ride for Ripley were a lot of firsts for him. We added ground rails, there was a wee bit of baby canter and there was a huge puddle crossing on his warm down. "It's hard to describe but the potential in this young horse is extraordinary. There are moments in his workout where you feel him become weightless and effortless. I envy the person who develops him as a mature horse." Karen Williams, trainer.
5/3/22 15th ride for Ripley, Karen is increasing his time under saddle. Finished up in the front paddock up and down hills w/t halt. He is going a solid 25 min under saddle after 16 minutes w/t longing. Added a lap cantering on the longe in anticipation of cantering under saddle soon. Went smoothly into his canter on the longe. We'll repeat this canter addition while longing.
4/25/22 14th ride was a good representation of where Ripley's training is presently. Looking for a forward trot on request. Going well.
4/23/22 another field trip for the 13th ride. We took Ripley to Liberty Farm Dressage with Brendan Curtis for comments and critique. He recommended some leg yield work on long lines. Ripley won't be 3 until May 9th and we're looking at more than preservation of life and limb at this early stage!
4/21/22 we managed to longe Ripley for 20 minutes w/t each way before we were chased in by the rain, but we did this in the barn...
4/19/22 12th ride. Ripley did super in wild, cold winds. His tail was being blown sideways but his head was 100% in the game. This horse isn't 3 years old yet and hasn't been asked to canter (on purpose. He is going to be big and still has lots of growing to do before he needs to canter) and his attitude is simply the best.
4/16/22 11th ride followed by mane pulling.
4/14/22 Ripley gets into double digits in rides with this 10th ride with trainer, Karen Williams doing so well. He really is simply amazing, willing, talented, athletic. He is learning how he needs to use his body to balance himself and a rider making turns at a trot on a 70' training ring followed by walk trot up and down hills in a big open paddock. Balancing well walking down hills, learning to use his hind end.
He has a cool personality in the barn, he'll be a joy to be around, so much personality!
4/12/22 for Ripley's 9th solo ride we took him into a big, hilly, uneven footing paddock. Out in the big wide open space he was a rock star! Here is a little w/t in the paddock. He is so relaxed, Karen really makes it look easy up there. Maybe because he is so willing and has this terrific attitude!
4/7/22 Ripley's 7th ride was a field trip to a big indoor arena in Middleburg (thank you Brendan Curtis and Liberty Farm LLC!) He was a rock star! So much to look at, so easy going. This young horse is truly one of a kind!
4/2/22 Out for his 5th solo ride. Ripley is so relaxed, nothing ruffles his feathers. Less than 100 yards away is a shooting range in full swing.
Free jumping 3/29/22, figuring out distances:
3/24/22 4th solo ride
3/22/22 3rd solo ride after some high wind days
3/11/22 1st solo ride!! Ripley has had our trainer on his back with a leg on each side 4 times. He is so chill and relaxed and easy going that on this session we were perfectly comfortable taking him off the safety net of the lunge line. Ripley was a Rockstar! We got a video of his first walk, trot left and right and halt. This is a relatively long video (4:27 minutes) but this is the first time he is moving out without a ground handler's support or safety. He is so light and responsive. This horse is truly one in a million!
3/5/22 We're closing in on getting to ride Ripley. The 3 videos below are his slow quiet start to being ridden. We go slow and easy with the focus on not giving them any reason to resist. This training session accomplished all our training goals. Karen is up, leg on both sides and we made several full laps around the training ring. He is so uncomplicated!
3/2/22 lunging under saddle prior to backing for the second time. We anticipate a leg on each side next session. He is so easy to work with. Learns and accepts so fast. Moving forward more smoothly than we anticipated, and believe me, we expected him to be easy to start. Ripley is living up to and exceeding our high expectations.
These videos are long and uncut (read: boring, which is how we like our training sessions to go) this is the second time we are walking Ripley with Karen across the saddle and walking. She adds leg swinging and up on both sides.
2/24/22 Ripley's first time lunging, he did great, nice and relaxed.
Followed by a bit of w/t/c at liberty
When we were finished doing videos in the rain we brought the viewing platform umbrella into a stall to dry off. We led Ripley through the stall to see how he handled change and scary things... what a non event!
2/22/22 Ripley getting started on a work session long lining. He is so relaxed and compliant. If you want to see the rate that he takes on new information, processes it and moves forward in his training, compare these videos to the ones taken 10 days prior which are posted below. Ripley is learning fast and retaining what he learns.
After a terrific w/t session we took him out into an open space in the front paddock. He took that in stride as well. This was the first time he was in an open area this large.
2/12/22 Ripley had 6 weeks off for snow, ice and general cold bad weather. He went right back to long lining without a backward moment. At this relaxed pace he'll most likely be under saddle by early spring.
12/31/21 Ripley is starting to long line in the training ring:
A bit of clipping video:
Getting saddled for the first time:
Getting on a harness and bridle for ground driving:
Snappy Ripartee placed 3rd in the country for USDF Horse of the Year 2YO Colts/Geldings with a median score of 76.675%! We have all his score sheets from all his shows and we're happy to share those.
Ripley made a name for himself at Dressage at Devon 2021!
With a score of 79.8% he placed 1st in the Danish individual breed class. Comments on his conformation earning 7.8 "fair muscle, bone and balance". Earning an amazing 8.8 for his walk his comments were "shows ground cover, reach and swing". Scoring 7.8 for his trot "covers good ground". His general impression comments were "sport type at awkward stage of growth, could show even better quality of trot" clearly the potential is there. This youngster has a lot of growing to do and when he matures he is going to be an amazing athlete!
Ripley represented Wildest Expectations in the very competitive Breeder's Group class placing an impressive 3rd with a score of 78.85%. Some of his comments were "strong topline" for conformation scoring 7.8, "clear rhythm and overstride" for his walk earning an 8. For his trot he scored 7.9 with comments "good shoulder freedom". For general impression he scored 7.9 with comments "well mannered and many strong features.
Ripley placed 6th in a large open class for 2yo colt/gelding with a score of 77% which qualified him for the USDF Championship Series class. He qualified at every show he attended this year! Scoring 8's for conformation his comments included "overall well balanced, fluid topline, smooth loin connection" his comments at the walk "good ground cover", his trot "long strides", for general impression "nice riding type!"
Although Ripley didn't place in the USDFBCS class at Dressage at Devon, due to a low level colic episode the evening before, it was clear he belonged in that level of competition. His comments included "balanced frame, good joints, clear saddle position, clean overtrack with swing and reach, handsome horse"
W/T/C left
W/T/C right
He has a cat-like swaggering walk. Beautiful, uphill trot. Relaxed, ground covering canter. He is so soft and light transitioning through his gaits. His over track at a leisurely walk is 17 inches. He is so elegant and his gaits are showing such potential. He should finish growing at 17.3-18.1H Ripley is really coming into his own.
Ripley placed 1st at Dressage at Lexington in his open 2yo c/g class with a score of 76.675% and went into the colts geldings championship class and qualified for the championship class at Dressage at Devon.
Ripley qualified for Dressage at Devon Championship class at both shows he attended this year. Not only did he win a spot in the championship against other nice, well bred horses, but he qualified by score as well!
Ripley has strong, big knees and hocks with bone to match. This horse is built to last. So straight and correct!
Ripley walking up the driveway at Wildest Expectations Farm.
Snappy Ripartee showed well at Dressage at Lexington on July 10, 2020! Ripley placed 3rd in the large, open Yearling Colt/Gelding class. Ripley placed 1st in the Danish Warmblood class.
He was gelded on October 14, 2019.
Ripline, is a bay with no white. Stands 16.2 hands
Ripline is a 2008 Danish Warmblood stallion by Blue Hors Hotline out of Riviera/Blue Hors Cavan.
In 2014, Ripley's sire, Ripline was FEI Six Year Old Young Horse Champion, winning the FEI Six Year Old Final at Lamplight with a score of 88.200%. He also won the GAIG/USDF Third Level Championship at Saugerties with a score of 74.744%. In addition, Ripline was 2014 US Dressage National Champion at Third Level with a score of 71.239%. At the 2014 Danish Inspection, Ripline was awarded a Silver Medal from the Danish Warmblood Association.
In 2015, Ripley's sire, Ripline, was Reserve Champion of the USEF Developing Prix St. Georges at Lamplight. He went on to win the GAIG/USDF Prix St. Georges Championship at Saugerties with a score of 76.184% and also won his first time out at Intermediare I with a score of 74.211%
Ripley's grandsire, Blue Hors Hotline, was the superior winner of his 70-day performance test and was Champion Stallion of the Hanoverian Licensing in 2005. He sired the 2010 Danish Warmblood Mare of the Year and his offspring have been successful in competitions internationally. Hotline is still competing internationally with rider Daniel Bachmann Andersen and most recently placed 7th at the World Cup Qualifier in Odense. The pair hope to represent Denmark at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Ripley's granddam's sire, Blue Hors Cavan, was a successful International Grand Prix Dressage stallion. Cavan won 8 World Cup Qualifiers and placed second in the 2002 World Cup Finals. Blue Hors Cavan also sired the Gold Medal mare, Lara Stensvang, who also was Mare of the Year.
Ripley's dam, Temptress is an exceptionally well-bred hunter/jumper mare. Her sire, Voltaire, is the leading Hunter sire in the US currently. Her dam, Halftone, is the full sibling to the Jumper and approved SF Stallion D'Accord. The bloodlines on both top and bottom are some of the best in the world. She is short coupled and extremely athletic. She has good solid bone and large joints. The potential for this mare is unlimited. She is not started under saddle as she has been busy producing exceptional foals. She is an approved mare with the Oldenburg ISR N/A. She was awarded DH Mare and invited to be neck branded by the Danish Registry. Each one of her foals has been better than the last!
Temptress's 2011 foal, TripTheLightFantastic (Tango), is by Cabaret and is a registered Oldenburg ISR N/A. He is a 17.2+ hand bay gelding. Tango was the high scoring colt and only Premium foal at his Oldenburg ISR N/A inspection with an 8.2 for his overall score! He has consistently scored well at the Dressage Breed Shows with frequent scores of 8.
Ripley's dam,Temptress's 2012 foal, Flying Solo (Gracie), is by Solos Landtinus and is a registered Danish Warmblood. She is a 16+ hand bay filly. Gracie was high scoring foal at her Danish Inspection with consistent scores of 8. She has scored well at the Dressage Breed Shows with frequent scores above 8 and several scores as high as 8.6!
Ripley's dam, Temptress's 2014 foal, High Caliber Soul (Cal), is by Solos Landtinus and is registered Danish Warmblood. He is a chestnut gelding. Cal was high scoring foal at his Danish Inspection with consistent scores of 8 and a 9 for Type and Frame. He has received several 8's at the Dressage Breed Shows with excellent comments from the judges.
Ripley's dam, Temptress was shown successfully in-hand at four dressage breed shows in 2007. She placed first at three of those four. She also was Filly Champion, Young Horse Reserve Champion and Reserve Grand Champion. She qualified for the East Coast Breeder's Championship Series at Dressage at Devon.
You don't have to take my word for it that Ripley's dam, Temptress is nice, the judges agree! Some of the judge's comments and scores include: "nice filly, typically like her sire", "good neck; shoulder and front leg very good! (8)", "Good topline", "very good canter with balance", "good strong topline, very good proportions (7.9)", "very expressive, generous forward drive (8)", "well laid back withers, lovely neck substantial hind end, great expression, good legs, good condition (7.5)", "well presented, agreeable temperament, pays attention, obedient (7.5)", "Lovely filly, appears good tempered (most important), enjoy!", "large framed filly of good type. Well proportioned (7.5)", "nice uphill build, short in back, straight in pastern, nice long legs, nice type (7.5)", elegant modern type", "good suspension and regularity".
Ripley's dam, Temptress's Sire is Voltaire, the leading Hunter/Jumper sire in the U.S. and Europe. Her Dam, Halftone is by Olisco, the Barcelona Olympic qualified (That year Michael Matz qualified the #1 and #2 positioned horses for the Olympic team. Heisman was the one who competed and Olisco was the reserve competitor for the U.S. team.) Grand Prix Stallion and out of Servus an international Grand Prix competitor by Lucky Boy. Temptress is not under saddle.
Ripley's dam, Temptress is registered Selle Francais and approved Oldenburg NA. At her Selle Francais Foal Evaluation she scored 7.4, which earned her a rating of Tres Bon. She is in the Oldenburg Main Mare Book with a score of 102. She is also approved by the Danish Warmblood registry earning her DH and was neck branded by the Danish inspectors. Her 2011 foal, TripTheLightFantastic, is registered Oldenburg and he was the high scoring premium foal at the Chestnut Lawn Inspection in VA with a score of 8.2.
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Danish warmblood
[1=Bombproof, 10=Hot]
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